About Me
![profile image](./assets/tan2.jpeg)
About Me
I'm Tanish Mohanty &
Welcome to my Portifolio. Hi, I'm a Full-Stack Web and Android Developer from Navi-Mumbai, India. I am thrilled You've come to visit my showcase of work that I've compiled over the years, which includes a combination of collaborations,commissioned work and personal projects. Take a glance and feel free to get in touch if you'd like to discuss potential opportunities to work together.
Birthday: 11 September 2001
Phone: +91 836-945-70**
Instagram: tanish.ppvvtt
My skills
Web Development Android Development UI Designing
Languages I've learnt c, c++, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, PHP, Bootstrap, Dart
What i Do
Web Design
I can create user-friendly web design,also can work as front-end and back-end developer. Can create Fully Responsive and Dynamic Designs.
Can work as a Coder (Full-Stack developer) Front-End:-xml, css, bootstrap, js, jquery, json. Back-End:- sql, firebase, php, java.
I can develop user-friendly Applications. Can also create Fully Responsive Designs with different Animations style.